Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Naah, kali ini, saya mendapatkan undangan dari Mbak Happy untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan. Liebster Award, something connected with a blogger with few followers. Baiklah. Saya akan menjawab pertanyaannya. :D

11 facts about me: 

1. I have had a long hair when I was in elementary school. But when I saw a girl in Bobo magazine with such curly short hair, I cut it confidently :p. My Islamic Learning teacher said, "No one from your family had short hair." wkwk

2. I love learning English. I mean, how to spell, how to know the meaning, and a little bit about the culture around  it. I still remembered my test score when I was in 4th grade, I got 88. Uniquely, I got the same score in both of my MTs ijazah and my SMA ijazah. May be, some realize I am obsessed with it. Someone have said I have a ridiculous mouth shape when pronounce it. Or, strongly says I'm keminggris :b. The most important that I care is, I learn because I love. I just want to know language more

3. I want to go to Turkiye, a country with a beautiful Haghia Sophia/ Aya Sophia. Someday, I want to pronounce Turkish well like Abdurrahman Faiz, poem writer and the son of Helvy Tiana Rosa.

4. I don't really like crowd

5. I can making noise with someone I think I can be close with. If not, I choose keeping calm. Not meaning I'm not open, but it is just my way, my habitual action

6. I want to be a writer of Bobo magazine

7. I want to be a rich person from writing

8. I love blue

9. I want to go to overseas with GI executive class (it's cheesy, right?) :b

10. I love reading

11. I want to be a widiaiswara (such a lecturer) STAN. yeah, since I know it seems like to be difficult if I want to be a lecturer outside. But who knows Allah's plan?

Happy's questions :
1. What are you doing in your spare time?
    Sleeping, interneting, texting

2. What place do you want to visit?
    Haghia Sophia

3. Reading or picnic?
    Both of them

4. What's your favorite food?
   Gado-gado, Sate, RENDANG! etc :p

5. Have you ever go to Bali, Indonesia?
    Yes, it is amazing

6. Mention your favorite singer!
    long long a go dmasip but now, I don't know, I just listen to good songs as I create  

7. What's your favorite book?
    one of them is Think Dinar

8. What was your favorite lesson at school?

9. Singing or drawing?
    Singing. I can't draw well. My sister yes

10. What's the first letter of your mother's name?

11. father or mother?

That's it :D

1 komentar:

  1. hihihi lucu ya. . .
    ada award2an gitu. :D

    masih ada beberapa yang belum, mul

